Hey all! Welcome back to the blog. This post is a little bit different today. Today I'm going to share some pregnancy announcement photos that I took for a friend, and the overlays that I created for the images. And finally, a new freebie of one of the overlays just for you!
Over this past summer my best friend Jess got pregnant through in vitro fertilization (IVF). Her and her husband are super excited, and she wanted to do a pregnancy announcement photo that included honouring her family's struggle with fertility issues.
So we planned some pretty flat lays and we wanted to use onesies with these cute IVF or fertility sayings. My friend took a look online, and while they were some really beautiful ones she saw, they were just not quite right. We were also having some shipping issues with Canada Post during that time, so we decided to do something different. We decided that we would create a few flat lay designs using a white onsie, and I would then add some overlays of similar designs she liked. Below is one of the flat lay designs that we created, before we added the overlays.

Then using PicMonkey, a photo editing and graphic design program, I set out and created some simple designs. My friend told me some sayings that she liked, some imagery she was thinking of, and I went from there.

Of all the designs that I created, she settled on a few and I finished her flat lays and got them back to her. Here are some of the end results.
So! While we were looking at onsies online I realized how few options there are for fertility related baby merch. And being there for my friend while she was going through some of her fertility issues I realized how common they were!
So I decided to put the designs that I made on my Etsy shop, as a bundle, to download. Either for moms to use as we did, simply as an overlay on your photos or graphics, or print on onsies and merchandise of their own. This product also comes with a small business commercial licence.

So if you're a small business and want to make products for those families that kicked infertility's ass, or if you're an infertility survivor, head on over to my Etsy shop and get your download!
Don't forget to grab your discount code at the bottom of the page, and get 15% off the Shoot Something Photos Etsy Shop!
As a special gift to those that stuck around, I'm giving away a free download of the IVF SVG image below! Click here for your freebie.
Oh, and if you were wondering.....she's having a boy 😊
Until next time,